Will Remote Work Continue After COVID-19?
Photo by vadim kaipov on Unsplash
Amid a global pandemic, it gave the world a chance to experiment with remote working. When the Malaysian government enforced the Movement Control Order (MCO) earlier in March 2020, organisations nationwide were bound to react swiftly to the crisis by adapting to remote working. It would typically take organisations a more extended period to adjust to the ever-changing digital landscape. But some have transitioned within days or weeks. The pressing question is; have remote working become the new standard in the way we work.
Organisations have to consider making positive changes to ensure remote working is successful in the long run. Things to take into careful thought include cost structures, business strategies and work procedures. Here are some reasons why it is worth considering remote working as part of the organisation’s long-term plan.
1. Cost-saving for both employers & employees
Organisations spend a considerable amount of money on offices spaces yearly. When the government implemented lockdowns, many offices, especially those in prime areas like Kuala Lumpur city centre, were left vacant for months. But the payment for space rental and utilities continues, which puts additional constraints on the organisation’s financials.
By converting a physical team to remote workers, organisations will be able to reduce operating expenses impactfully. It allows them to re-invest in other areas such as talent management solutions and business improvements. For example, organisations may optimise their office spaces rental by relocating to a less expensive area and implementing hot desks instead of traditional fixed cubicles.
Aside, remote working also benefits employees as it helps them to reduce the time and cost of commuting, deters them from relocating closer to their work which could end up being pricier, or merely spending more on expensive city meals. With the extra money in hand, employees will now have the chance to live more comfortably, and young adults will get to save more for their future.
2. Increased productivity
Based on a report by Udemy in 2018, survey takers responded that workplace distraction such as having chatty colleagues (80%), and noisy office environment were the leading cause of decreased productivity. Remote working enables employees to be more in control of their time, letting them be productive with minimal distraction. Furthermore, employees can recharge whenever needed to produce their best work.
When employers invest in the right communication tools for remote workers, such as Microsoft Teams and Skype, a report by KPMG Malaysia have also shown an increase in productivity (77%) in remote workers. Team members can have seamless interactions with fellow teammates and clients. Provided the network connection is stable. The same report also revealed that one of their top 3 remote working challenges is having network issues (61%).
A different study by Twingate shared that 45% of remote workers were attending more meetings during the pandemic than when working in the office. By cutting out the time spent on work commute, employees were to ease into work with a clear mind and engaged in work more productively.
3. Employee Satisfaction
Remote workers tend to feel more empowered, as they are required to be more independent. Leaders who trust and are not afraid of losing control over their employees will usually receive the best work results. As Richard Branson once famously said, “Take care of your employees, and they’ll take care of your business“. A form of caring for employees may include flexible working hours sans the micro-managing.
On the plus side, working remotely while being stuck in a lockdown has helped many people reconnect with their loved ones. People get to reflect on the importance of “life” in work-life by paying more attention to upkeeping their mental health and wellbeing.
It may be challenging to go back to the way things were. Until there is a vaccine developed, most people will be reluctant to return to the office. Hence, remote working highly and likely to stay.
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