Now is The Time to Upskill Yourself Online
The Covid-19 pandemic has led millions to work from home and more education institutions to use online methods. This is to slow the spread of infections to the levels that hopefully do not overwhelm healthcare resources. These changes could cause permanent changes in society. The global public health currently struggling with a talent shortage and will need a measure of upskilling and reskilling. However, this is also a good opportunity to focus on upskilling yourself.
Governments Investing in Training
In response to the current economic impact of Covic-19, the European Commission stands ready to support to protect workers during the crisis which includes upskilling and reskilling programmes. The Singapore government is also investing in the reskilling initiatives for the sectors that have the hardest hit by the pandemic while other countries might follow the footsteps as well. Many companies operate less than full capacity, therefore, being able to invest some work time in training especially for employees who travel a lot for work. Besides, lots of education and training resources have moved online and just with an internet connection and computer could allow you to take part in these resources. The materials include accessible lectures whenever you have the time instead of scheduled dates and times.
An Online Learning Boom
These are the ways on how online learning has changed due to the pandemic and what you can do to develop your skills:
Linkedin, for an example, offers 16 free courses on various aspects of working remotely that includes how to use virtual meeting tools and staying productive working remotely. With more than 13 hours of content that’s now available for free, this could help you and your teams to become more productive while working remotely.
General Assembly is an international training provider offering students the option to continue developing their skills by moving all their workshops and courses online. Besides, the company provides free webinars to aid businesses, teams and employees to maximise their productivity.
Coursera is an online learning platform has also made their course catalogue for free to universities worldwide. Mainly in the public health industries, the company has seen large spikes in the enrolments.
The tuition-free online university, The University of the People, has seen an increase in applications from Japan, Korea and Italy as well as the USA.
The pandemic has dramatically changed the world leading to an unprecedented global crisis. Therefore, those who are able to access online should invest some time in developing skills that will be much needed in future.