Mental Wellbeing During the COVID-19
Recent research has suggested that many people are experiencing moderate to severe psychological impacts during the COVID-19 outbreak. We need to take practical steps to manage this response effectively. The World Health Organisation has highlighted that it is important to boost our immune system and taking reasonable preventative care is important to manage our stress levels. Here are some tips on how to maintain your mental wellness during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Find out how you are feeling
It is crucial to know how you are feeling daily and recognise the symptoms. Stress can manifest itself in many ways such as sadness, confusion, irritability, procrastination, physical tension and body pain, lack of energy or even problems with sleeping.
Making sense
We are all trying to cope and stay strong with the current pandemic situation and it could be tempting to try to dismiss our feelings. However, stress responses are our bodies’ way to protect us and there could be early signs that can be missed such as feeling angry or tired. It is normal to experience such a response at this time and it would be better to indicate it at an early stage. Have some time for yourself daily to notice this in yourself and make sense of the situation in order not to overlook your stress.
Small changes with big impacts
Even with small changes in our daily routines can make a big difference in dealing with early signs of stress. Everyone has different daily rituals and routines. This will depend on your typical stress response. For example,if you feel stress in a physical way such as tired or tense in your body, you may decide to go to bed earlier than usual or take some time for a relaxing shower.
Refrain the common thinking traps
To build these strategies, it would be helpful to recognize that if you can control and release the need to control what you cannot. Fill yourself with practical activities such as good personal hygiene and practising social distancing. Be wise on the many myths that are out there may be misleading and could stop us from focusing on what is in our control. Avoid blowing situations out of proportion or other common thinking trap, where we predict a future state based on our biggest fears versus the facts of the situation.
Take care of your body
Spending some time to work out could be one of the good and effective ways to boost our mental wellness and strengthen our immune system. There are a lot of activities that we can do in our own homes even though it’s not possible to step out of the house during the pandemic. It would be better if you can encourage your family member, friends or colleagues to join you either in person or virtually!
Keep the human connection
It is also important to have a human connection even though we are practising social distancing. Do not neglect the social connection with our friends, family or colleagues as this is also a good way to fight against stress.
Our health is important including our mental wellbeing. Make great use of these six tips to cope with your feelings and maintain your overall mental health as we fight this COVID-19 together!
If you are suffering from deeper feelings of depression or anxiety and wish to speak to a counsellor, you could also contact The organization provides emotional support 24 hours a day for people who are feeling lonely, in distress, in despair or having suicidal thoughts. It is free and confidential.