Some things to never say or do in work related situations

Some things to never say or do in work related situations

We should clearly know that our attitude at home should not be the same at work. There are certain things that we should never say or do because work is a place that is shared by many individuals. Here are the examples to go with:-

Never say this at work

Do not to use such phrases like “this is not my work”, “My time is too tight for this now”, or “I don’t think this is possible to do”. It’s really frustrating to have such colleagues. It’s going to be hard for new times to adapt to the company if we have colleagues that anchored the past forming rigid teams that fail to adapt to changes? It would be good if you could use phrases like “Okay, I will have a look” or “Maybe I can lend a help?”. This would be much more friendly!

These would help to create a better working environment and strong teams in the company. Why not play a good role with your words in the working place?

Never do this at work

·       Using working hours to do “personal things”. This includes checking social medias, online shopping or even making calls to your family or friends, Be more proactive and keep your questions going for your managers or even other departments if they need any help. Taking good care of others is a great leader attitude that will aid you to climb the career ladder. 

·       Complaining. Working with colleagues that complains often is not easy. It creates difficult and negative working environment. If you think something there’s something that is not right, you should always try to express it as long as you do it with respect and humility. It’s not about just trying to express it, focus on it and come out with a solution to solve the problem. Most problems has it’s solution so just go and look for it.

·       Spreading rumours. If you don’t get along with your colleague, don’t speak badly about them but question yourself what part of you that you’re not projecting onto them? This will help you the urge to criticize someone and create a better dynamics among colleagues or within your team.

·       Politics discussion. It’s best to avoid politic conversations at workplace. It’s a very subjective topic and there’s definitely political disagreements between individuals at work of the same company. This could create awkward working environment.

·       Dress inappropriately. Don’t wear too revealing, ripped or just plain unlaundered even if your company environment is casual or laid-back. Even with t-shirts with offensive language or slogans. It’s just not too right to wear it in the office.

·       Come in contagious. Sometimes you tend to drag yourself to work even though you are under the weather, maybe due to workload or datelines. It would be still okay if you are in moderate cases like sniffles but however, if you’re running a fever, bad cough or serious digestive upheaval, staying home would be a better option for you.

·       Eating your co-worker’s food without permission. This is a very common sin that happens in a workplace.  You could be too swamped to actually grab your colleague’s sandwich from the fridge. You could always have your colleague to help to grab some food for you when they are on the way out or you could even pack it yourself before coming to work. Don’t go on stealing people food when no one notice!

These are the few things that you could probably pay attention while you’re in the office. It’s always good to keep a good practise at work to create a better working environment. So why not play a role in helping to do so?

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